ImagineGirls V2 series - Quick Guide
Thank you for using ImagineGirls V2 series 3D models. This quick guide describes how to play,edit,use these 3D models in variety of applications.
Last updated
Thank you for using ImagineGirls V2 series 3D models. This quick guide describes how to play,edit,use these 3D models in variety of applications.
Last updated
ImagineGirls V2 series is a series of 3D models made by Kafuji, delivered from ImagineGirls , originally created by ImagineVR, Inc.
Different from most of other character 3D models, ImagineGirls V2 series inherits the "ImagineGirls User License" that has very forgiving License restrictions. It allows almost every use case that you want, including making derivative commercial products for mature audiences.
ImagineGirls V2 series can be found on following web sites.
ImagineGirls V2 series are distributed as a ZIP package, including several types of 3D format.
.blend : Main 3D model data made with Blender.
.pmx : Bonus model files for MMD compatible applications, exported from .blend
You can use PMX files with every MMD compatible applications.
ImagineGirls V2 series models are aimed to achieve VR-quality, that allows to see the model at very close positions and no disappointments on details.
My recommendation is to use PMX models with MocumocuDance, the best VR application ever, made by genius programmer Seono Yudai.
Download Blender, then open the .blend file from it.
All mesh in the model are placed on different scene layers per a costume. You can toggle visibility of each layers by clicking the layers panel where bottom of 3D View. Layer 1 for base mesh, 2 for default costume(removable), 3 for default costume(merged to body), 4 for swimsuits(on the image above).... etc.
Also hair styles are placed on Layer 11, 12, 13 for changing hair style quickly. Pressing SHIFT while clicking Layers panel adds visible layers that you choose.
Bones in the Armature are also placed on several layers. Layer 1 for controller bones, Layer 2 for root bones, layer 3 for deform bones... etc. Simply active all layers to make poses of whole model. Alternatively, you can select corresponding layer for face, fingers, etc to do detailed posing job.
If you wan to edit something on the model, changing colors is the easiest and good start point.
Change render engine to Cycles, then the materials for Cycles will be activated. Each material have very simple nodes on it... You can change color by selecting the "Color" property from source node.
After changing color on cycles materials, you need bake it to textures. Make sure to change render-visibility of the light sets to "Lights(Bake)". Or you will get too dark textures.
When the Lights for baking is ready, check Image Editor panel and make sure the Color Space is set to "Linear" (Blender automatically set it to sRGB, this results baked texuture too blight).
Then select the object you want to bake, push the "Bake" on properties panel.
This model is designed for rendering with proper Toon Shaders, targeting to mimic the MMD shader.
To achieve this, MMD-ish Shader nodes for Blender Internal Renderer is used in all materials on the model. This shader nodes takes Diffuse, Toon, and Sphere texutres as input parameters, and all input textures works as identical as MMD. I reccomend use this shader nodes on every materials even if you modify/add something on the model.
ImagineGirls V2 series models are designed to use in several real-time 3D environments, such as MMD, Unity, UE4, etc.
Before you are going to export the model as FBX/PMX or something, all features that has dependency on Blender has to be removed. In short words, apply and remove all modifiers.
This model uses many modifiers, including Mirror, Subsurf, DataTransfer, etc, to achieve making the best quality meshes. Applying these modifiers are crucial to get what you see in outside of Blender.
But applying modifiers on many meshes and get finalized meshes is very hard to work. To help this, Blender addon "Model Finalizer" is included in the distribution.
With mesh finalizer, you can get well-finalized meshes by few clicks. See 'Mesh Finalizer user's manual' for recommended workflow.
You can - modify, make derivertive versions, make videos/games/XR apps or other contents including commercial purposes by using this model.
The author shall not be liable for any loss or damage of result of your use of this model.